Welcome to Books Trade City Classified Ads
Frequently Asked Questions


Shoud you have a question which is not answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help! Thank you!

It is very easy to Register on our Site.

Once you have chosen a Membership Package, you will be re-directed to your User Account page from where you will be able to see and manage all your Ads.

On your main Account page you will be able to add your details such as your Name, your Email addreses and so on.

You will also see the type of Subsciption Package you have chosen

You will see Messages when somebody contacts you regarding your ads


All you have to do is to click on “Post an Ad” button in the top right corner of the Site and fill in a 3 steps form with your preferred information related to your Ad.

Please see examples below:


Books trade city how to post an ad



  • You can advertise your items for sale for collection from your local area

  • You can make people place a “bid”, so then you can agree to sell your item to the bidder who offered the highest amount to pay


  • You can offer your books to exchange/ swap (e.g. if you are a Studen and would prefer to swap books instead of selling or buying them).


– Yes, you can SELL your books from our Shop on this site Books Trade City Classified Ads. For more information please  CONTACT us with your request.

– Alternatively, you can go to our Marketplace to Register and Start Selling.

We offer Packages for Individual users of our Site and for Professionals from Books related industries.

For Individual Users with have a Free package and Paid Packages.

Please visit our PACKAGES page for more details and choose your package!

If you are trying to post an Ad and don’t see a Category from the drop down list of categories which would best describe your product then please CONTACT us and we will add it to the list for you.

Once you purchased a Downloadable product, please go to your “My Account” page and click on Downloadables button on the left hand side of your My Account dashboard.
